Doca Vinyl - Service de pressage de vinyle en Suisse

Support us!

Participation in DocaVinyl


The association's resources are made up of members' subscriptions.

Our music listening program is a unique approach to bringing collectors and music lovers together.

Our heritage mission is to make viable the only pressing workshop for vinyl records in Switzerland, here in Champagne.

To ensure the further development of our manufacturing unit, all help is welcome, from public authorities or private individuals.

The restoration of our press is under way and may require us to use external service providers.

I would like to join the DocaVinyl association as a
Doca Vinyl Chemin du Champ du Pont 2 1424 Champagne PostFinance – IBAN CH34 0900 0000 1516 0073 7 BIC POFICHBEXXX – Doca Vinyl Champagne VD
Exchange of benefits - desired quid pro quos